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High Point Submission Form
A SHOW: (3 days or more) 1st = 200 pts 2nd = 160 pts 3rd = 120 pts 4th = 80 pts 5th = 40 pts 6th = 20 pts
B SHOW: (2 days) 1st = 100 pts 2nd = 80 pts 3rd = 60 pts 4th = 40 pts 5th = 20 pts 6th = 10 pts
C SHOW: (1 day) 1st = 50 pts 2nd = 40 pts 3rd = 30 pts 4th = 20 pts 5th = 10 pts 6th = 5 pts
Use separate sheet for each division nominated.
Final results must be received by 12/15 of the competition year.
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